Signs of Arthritis in Dogs

You’ve probably heard that dogs aren’t supposed to have arthritis. The truth is, they can get it just like humans. When they’re young, they’re resilient and able to handle the stress of being taken care of. As they age and their joints start to wear down, arthritis sets in. This is a progressive condition thatContinueContinue reading “Signs of Arthritis in Dogs”

Benefits of Slippery Elm for Dogs

Slippery elm bark has been used medicinally for centuries, and is still popular today. The benefits of slippery elm for dogs are numerous, including treating diarrhea, constipation, and other gastrointestinal issues. It’s also effective at soothing sore throats and coughs, and can be helpful for respiratory problems. Additionally, slippery elm has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties,ContinueContinue reading “Benefits of Slippery Elm for Dogs”

Herbal Antibiotics for Dogs

The antibiotic penicillin is often referred to as a “wonder drug.” Prior to its discovery, people perished from minor injuries and infections. Minor scrapes and cuts were infected. Common illnesses like strep throat and pneumonia wreaked havoc on the body. Penicillin and other modern antibiotics can undoubtedly save lives. Their use, however, has come atContinueContinue reading “Herbal Antibiotics for Dogs”

8 Natural Remedies to Combat Diarrhea in Dogs

Diarrhea in dogs can be very unpleasant for both you and your dog. It can cause your dog to act lethargic, lose weight, and may even lead to death due to dehydration if not treated quickly. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies that you can use to help settle your dog’s stomach. Here are someContinueContinue reading “8 Natural Remedies to Combat Diarrhea in Dogs”

What Causes Antibiotic Resistance In Dogs

What causes antibiotic resistance in dogs? Antibiotic resistance is a problem across the world, but it’s happening with dogs too. Scientists estimate that in 2030, 10 million people will die from antibiotic-resistant infections each year. In addition to this alarming number, experts also believe that within 2 decades, antibiotics won’t work for many of theContinueContinue reading “What Causes Antibiotic Resistance In Dogs”

Benefits of MCT in CBD Oil

In addition to the CBD, you’ll find that MCT oil is one of the key ingredients in many of our tinctures. Why will MCT oil be used in a product like this? What are the advantages of using MCT in the tincture?  Since coconut oil is made up of saturated fat, it seems that weContinueContinue reading “Benefits of MCT in CBD Oil”

Why Didn’t CBD Work for My Dog?

You are not alone if you have offered your pet CBD items and have found yourself uncertain if it is working, or how long it takes to work. In reality, while many dogs quickly show improvements, some dogs take a little longer to feel the effects of CBD because each dog has specific endocannabinoid receptors.ContinueContinue reading “Why Didn’t CBD Work for My Dog?”

Should CBD Be Taken with Food?

According to research, the food consumed with CBD may have a significant impact on the amount of CBD absorbed by the body. The importance of bioavailability cannot be overstated. For best effect, your dog will need to take more CBD if the bioavailability is low. The higher the bioavailability, the better the results. In theContinueContinue reading “Should CBD Be Taken with Food?”

Acupuncture and Full-Spectrum Hemp

The ultimate aim of traditional Chinese veterinary medicine, or TCM, is to cure diseases while preserving the quality of life. Acupuncture is part of TCM and has been shown to improve general well-being, boost appetite, reduce symptoms of nausea, and decrease levels of pain. For decades, TCM has mixed hemp and acupuncture. Both modalities improveContinueContinue reading “Acupuncture and Full-Spectrum Hemp”

Why Are My Dog’s Eyes Red?

When your dog looks up at you with those lovely puppy-dog eyes, your heart usually melts — until you notice something isn’t quite right. Your dog’s eyes are bloodshot and crimson. Is it time to take your pet to the vet? Short answer: perhaps. It’s usually a good idea to get a correct diagnosis ifContinueContinue reading “Why Are My Dog’s Eyes Red?”