Yunnan Baiyao for Dogs with Hemangiosarcoma

yunnan baiyao for dogs with hemangiosarcoma

Yunnan baiyao is a combination of herbal substances that have been utilized in China for thousands of years. It was created in 1902 by Dr. Qu Huanzhang of Yunnan, China, a Chinese medicine practitioner. Its most well-known use was during World War II, when it was used to treat and halt major bleeds in injured soldiers.

Holistic practitioners have found that Yunnan Baiyao is helpful not only for humans, but to our dogs as well. Yunnan Baiyao is primarily utilized to prolong the lives of dogs and cats suffering from cancers that cause bleeding.

How Does Yunnan Baiyao Work?

Although the exact reasons for Yunnan Baiyao’s effectiveness are still under investigation, it is thought to stimulate the activity of platelets in the blood, which are essential for blood clotting.

This stimulation of platelets helps promote the formation of healthy blood clots and minimizes bleeding in tumors. Yunnan Baiyao has also been found to support proper blood circulation, which not only alleviates pain in your pet but also boosts their immune system’s function.

Yunnan Baiyao Dosage for Dogs

The dosage of Yunnan Baiyao for dogs can vary based on the specific condition being treated, the dog’s size, and the severity of the issue. It’s essential to follow a veterinarian’s guidance when administering this supplement, as they can provide the most accurate dosage for your pet’s unique needs. Generally, the dosage instructions provided with the product or by a vet might suggest a range based on weight.

For example, a common dosage guideline for dogs is approximately 0.5 grams (which is often the amount in one capsule) for every 10 kilograms (about 22 pounds) of body weight, given twice a day. However, for severe conditions, such as active bleeding from cancer, the dosage might be higher and more frequent.

Given the potential for interactions with other medications and the need to adjust dosages based on the dog’s response and specific health conditions, it’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian before starting Yunnan Baiyao. They can also advise on the duration of treatment and any necessary adjustments over time.

Published by Amber L. Drake

Dr. Amber L. Drake is a celebrated author and a distinguished cancer specialist, renowned for her comprehensive research in canine cancer prevention and nutrition. She is widely recognized for her commitment to helping dogs lead long and joyful lives, as well as for her contributions to veterinary medicine education. As the CEO of Canine Companions Co., the Founder of the Drake Dog Cancer Foundation and Academy, and the Co-Founder of Preferable Pups, she has become a respected and influential figure in the canine community, earning the admiration and respect of dog enthusiasts around the globe.