Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in an enclosed room at pressures higher than normal atmospheric pressure. The increased pressure helps your body absorb more oxygen, which can help treat some conditions and injuries. It’s also used as a treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning, decompression sickness, and severe burns.

Published by Amber L. Drake

Dr. Amber L. Drake is a celebrated author and a distinguished cancer specialist, renowned for her comprehensive research in canine cancer prevention and nutrition. She is widely recognized for her commitment to helping dogs lead long and joyful lives, as well as for her contributions to veterinary medicine education. As the CEO of Canine Companions Co., the Founder of the Drake Dog Cancer Foundation and Academy, and the Co-Founder of Preferable Pups, she has become a respected and influential figure in the canine community, earning the admiration and respect of dog enthusiasts around the globe.