Choosing Hospice for Dogs

Advertisements When the choice is made regarding hospice for dogs, it’s important to understand you aren’t giving up. You’re focusing on their comfort through the difficult parts of their cancer journey. If you notice your dog’s quality of life decreasing or are noticing signs of decompensation, hospice could be a good route to help bothContinue reading “Choosing Hospice for Dogs”

Finding a Veterinarian for Dog Cancer

Advertisements If you have decided to opt into some type of treatment, or you are considering treatment, you’ll want to look for a veterinary oncologist. If you don’t have one near you or you are unsure, you can still request a consultation. What is a Veterinary Oncologist? Veterinary oncologists are extremely knowledgeable in conventional veterinaryContinue reading “Finding a Veterinarian for Dog Cancer”

What is Comparative Oncology?

Advertisements Oncology is the area of medicine that deals with the diagnoses, treatment, and prevention of cancer. Thanks to dedicated oncologists, rates of lung cancer and melanoma have declined rapidly in the past twenty years. This is due to improved preventative measures such as reducing alcohol and tobacco consumption (links to these carcinogens weren’t obviousContinue reading “What is Comparative Oncology?”

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