The Average Age Golden Retrievers Get Cancer

Golden Retrievers are facing an alarming rise in cancer rates, with a staggering 61.4% in 2023, prompting extensive research into the causes. Differences in genetics and environmental factors between European and North American Golden Retrievers are being investigated to understand and mitigate cancer risks. The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study aims to identify contributing factors, with an opportunity for owners to participate.

What is the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study?

The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study, conducted by Morris Animal Foundation, is among the largest, most comprehensive studies regarding canine health in the United States, especially in the field of dog cancer. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the Golden Retrievers’ lifestyle, genetics, nutritional, and environmental risk facts for not only cancer, but forContinueContinue reading “What is the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study?”